i think i´m getting used to the altitude a bit. i´m still tired a lot, and sometimes feel dizzy especially in higher parts of the city, but at least i don´t constantly feel short of breath. i´ve heard that coca tea helps with altitude sickness. that´s one of the reasons it became so popular in these parts back in the day. i went into a shop the other day asking for some, but i think i must have messed up the spanish, because the shopkeeper gave me the strangest look. i think he thought i was asking if i could buy cocaine there. oops!
one odd side effect of the altitude is very strange, frightening, and vivid dreams. for a time, i was starting awake almost every night around 4 am crying out or screaming, much to my roommates´ dismay. though they were doing it, too. it was a noisy dorm room for a while. it´s a rather popular topic at the breakfast table for the group in general to discuss what we were fleeing from and who was trying to kill us in last night´s dreams. i´m aware of my unfortunate habit of talking in my sleep, but this was pretty extreme--the only thing i could compare it to was once when i was on heavy drugs after surgery, i woke up screaming for a week. i wish there was something i could do about it but... well, dreams are the very definition of unconsciousness, so it´s not like i can just think very hard about it and resolve to not do it anymore. the shouting fits seem to have subsided a bit... or else we´ve all just grown accustomed to it in each other and sleep through it. though the dreams persist.
I would like to tell about the famous thing in our life. It's transgender people. What do you think about them? Of course, one category hate them, another one likes them. I don't feel any negative feelings, but I don't want to see their love, their choice and so on, because it's all is intimate. But one story shocked me. It's story about commercial sex-worker in Istanbul - Hande Kader. People, how do you afraid of transgender people and do not scare "oridinary" people who can rape and burn? It's not humatity, it's awful, disgusting and so on. If you cannot accept alien choice, you have right for it, but no more. You cannot kill them. It's tradegy for whole world.https://quivo.co/19075-violada-y-quemada-asi-acabaron-con-la-vida-de-esta-mujer-transgenero.html