the trek was, frankly, a lot more difficult than i'd expected. i knew we'd be hiking for about 6 hours a day, but i thought "enh, that's like walking all day. no problemo." but wrong. i didn't think about the fact that hiking along ridiculously rough terrain, in 90° heat, dizzy from altitude, with 30lb. of gear on your back, might be a little more difficult. and 6 months of bogotá´s ravishment of my lungs did me no favors on the trek. so it was a good physical challenge, shall we say.
the lost city, and the jungle surrounding it, has only recently become [relatively] safe for tourists, especially americans. this is because the climate and soil are perfect for the cultivation of coca, and the dense and nearly impassible jungle are a favored hideout of the FARC, other rebel groups, and the paramilitaries. harsh eradication efforts and a major deployment of military personnel into the area have greatly diminished the presence of coca and guerrillas, at least in the immediate vicinity of the lost city. although even in the height of the danger and instability, guides told hikers that everything was perfectly safe. i was glad for this honest admission from our guide, who has been leading treks for decades, though it did not make me feel especially confident in his assurances that things were perfectly safe now. i felt even less secure--and lets be honest, more enticed--when he continued his tale.
The hostages (R) and guerrillas (L) after their release. |
Some of the hostages after their release |
a) why do you have ties to the paramilitaries, why would anyone have ties to the paramilitaries, they're horrible and way worse than the rebels?
b) why were you endangering yourself and others by wandering around rebel-infested jungles when you knew these ties might get discovered?
c) after all of this, why are you still a tour guide here? and, what was of more immediate concern to me--do you still maintain these paramilitary ties? how well-known are they? do i need to be concerned about them as you lead me blindly deep into the mountains?
i had the best spanish of the group, and i was interested in hearing local perspectives on the issues, so sometimes i'd walk alongside our guide and talk with him about politics. i was absolutely shocked to find that, when i mentioned Plan Colombia, he actually strongly supported it! plan colombia was a US initiative in the late 1990s aimed at curbing the drug trade. although the initial proposal took a holistic approach to ending the conflict and the drug trade, including economic and social programs to get at the root of the problem, all this was scrapped in favor of a heavy-handed militaristic approach to 'fighting' the 'war' on drugs. many people, myslef included, feel that the final plan colombia was The Worst Plan Ever, as i argue here, mainly because it ignored the root causes of the problem, contributed to further human rights abuses by strengthening the military and paramilitary forces, destroyed legitimate crops along with coca through aerial fumigation, pushing more people into coca cultivation or guerrilla involvement through economic pressures, hurt the health of the peasants, and generally just made the already-marginalized peasants hate the government, military, and their US allies even more.
but he said that, for him personally, plan colombia helped. increased military support led to more deployment of troops in the northern jungles, which eventually led to greater tourism in the area. (after the kidnapping incident, treks were banned for a few years, but eventually the area was re-opened along with heavy army escort.) and his paramilitary buddies benefited a lot--financially, materially, politically--from the policy as well. "but what about the farmers?" i asked. "for me, the plan was good," he said carefully. i guess that's all you can ask--during war, people just try to get by, and you really can't fault them for taking a personal perspective on policies, instead of looking at them holistically, when the issues touch them so deeply on a personal level.
speaking of policies which touch people on a personal level, the people probably most touched by the government's tourism policies in the area are the indigenous kogis. and though they benefit in some small ways--for example, when we passed one of their villages, our gide gave them a loaf of bread--i think they are largely hurt by tourism in the area. some say that the lost city was never really lost to them, just set aside. but now when they petition the government to use the ritual site of their ancestors, they are denied because this would force them to close down the park for a time and hurt toursim. it is definitely the (non-indigenous) tourist companies in santa marta, and not the descendants of those who built the city, who gain from the growing international popularity of the site. [making the hike on your own is illegal, it is required that you hire a tour company] interestingly, one of the goals of the ELN kidnappers in the 2003 incident was to raise awareness of government marginalization of indigenous people in the area.
we passed some kogi children on the trail--they were small, barefoot, quiet and dark eyed. their round bellies protruded beneath their loose, stained white tunics, and coppery streaks of malnutrition stained their long black hair. because of the near-impassibility of the terrain, access to services like school and healthcare is extremely limited, i was told. but the sad thing is that "preserving" the kogis in their "pre-columbian state" has become part of the attraction of the lost city itself. i even saw "visit a traditional kogi village" listed as an attraction on a tourist brochure for the lost city. of course they have a right to continue their lifestyle and culture as they always have, if they want. but there seems to be--particularly in the case of the government's neglect--almost a policy of intentional "preservation," and i'm not sure if that's what the kogis want, particularly as someone else is profiting. i think if the tourist companies worked more with the kogis, did more to give back to their communities, and maybe even were run by the indigenous people themselves, then a lot of these problems could be improved.
anyway, enough about the history and politics. on to the expedition itself! the landscape was incredible--dense forest, churning rivers, steep mountains, incredible waterfalls. there was not a lot of wildlife, but the scenery made up for it. it varied greatly with the wildly changing altitude along the trail. we passed trees that were a thousand years old--i could hardly wrap my mind around that fact. a pre-Columbian Colombian tree; just think about all that it's seen, how much has changed--and hasn't--over the course of its vast sylvan lifespan.
it's unfortunate, but still very little is known about their culture and history. the city was not 'discovered' until the 1970's, and political conditions in this area have been no picnic between then and now. especially after the hikers' kidnapping, external organizations were reluctant to invest resources and people in the area to find out more. because of this, tourism is not yet very lucrative here, so investment is not attractive to private organizations. pretty much the only organization in a position to invest resources for further archaeological study is the colombian government, and they're busy focusing their attentions on chasing down the rebels (and anyone else that opposes them), not to mention they don't even have enough cash to supply their schools with textbooks. so, así es, and the guides were stuck saying "well, this area was probably for the richer people or priests, because it's better constructed. and these might once have been houses, or maybe temples, we're not really sure..."
i have probably never looked worse, and never cared less about that fact--by the end of the day all of us were filthy, covered in mud and blood, reeking, ruddy, wild-haired, and drenched in sweat (and i do not use that word lightly, we looked like we'd just jumped in the river and were literally wringing the sweat out of our shirts, hair, shorts, and pack straps). so we girls were a little surprised at all the attention we were getting from the hordes of colombian soldiers stationed at the summit of the city, the famous multi-tired platforms with the incredible view of the surrounding jungle. at one point, our guide and the few males in our group had somehow disappeared, and we found ourselves--a handful of young white(ish) girls, sweaty and in short shorts and wet tank tops--alone in a little cluster surrounded by a circle of at least 30 colombian soldiers, all clutching machine guns and staring at us silently and intently. i guess being isolated on the top of a mountain for months on end lowers one's standards.
scrambling up endless switchbacks for hours on end, often almost on hands and knees, climbing over boulders, balancing on a knife's edge--a few inches of trail between sheer cliffs, fording engorged rivers known to sweep hikers away, sliding down mountainsides snatching at tree branches to keep from a free-fall, tightropeing along fallen trees to cross rivers and gorges--it all made for quite a bonding experience. we all had close calls, and were constantly catching one another and warning each other about unstable ground and slick rocks. i asked our guide what would happen if one of us got hurt--really hurt-- on the trail. "well the terrain is too mountainous for a helicopter to land--the only place one could would be at the summit of the lost city itself, so you'd have to make it there regardless. we could maybe strap you to a donkey, but it would still be a few days before you could receive any medical attention." so essentially we were on our own--but at least we had each other. so when one of the brits fell and twisted her ankle with a sickening crunch, we all chipped in, helping her bandage the rapidly swelling and purpling limb, carrying her pack, loading her up with painkillers, taking her hand to help her over the roughest parts of the trail to relieve some of the weight on that leg. everyone got sick from the water save me and the two british girls, because we'd been in colombia for a long while and our stomachs were hardier from exposure to questionable water. so we shared out whatever medicines we had, and divvied out the contents of the sickest ones' packs so they'd have an easier time of it that day.
on our final night, our guide acquired us some local tea, and we shared it late into the night, telling stories and talking about all manner of things as we let candle after candle burn low and disappear. it was so cozy, despite the lack of walls, sitting gathered around that little wooden table in that pool of light--the only that could be seen, save for the stars, in the deep wilderness that surrounded us. it really is amazing how close a group of people can become in such a short period of time through shared experiences. and how very similar people from such diverse backgrounds--brits, colombians, irish, kiwis, americans, and mexicans--really are.
random p.s. one of the boys kidnapped in the 2003 incident, a 19-year-old british fellow who ironically shares my surname (matthew scott), later escaped from the forced march by jumping off a cliff into the river during a rainstorm; the guerrillas probably thought he died. after wandering through the jungle for almost 2 weeks, he was rescued by some indigenous villagers. the others were gradually released, after much international negotiation and political concessions, over the next 3-4 months. one of the hostages later made a documentary about it, 'my kidnapper.' i haven't seen it, but it looks pretty interesting: